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Today's Achievements & Accomplishments


Dedicated Member
Here you can discuss what you have achieved today.
My latest achievement is getting over a blockage in my life, it was a long hard transitional phase, but i over came it, so yay me
TayneC8 said:
To do 2 flips in one jump on a trampoline

I'm jealous

I am almost done packing my bag. Staying at a friends for two weeks. =] Parents are going to Bahamas.
I did my A Clockwork Orange presentation today. I wasn't even going to go to school. I did a full hour tram ride to the city just to do a 4 minute speech. Then I came straight home again because school ended. I feel so proud of myself.
Great, just my topic. I did nothing. Unless Xbox Achievements count...
Lets see, conned hubby into doing the dishes this AM. He's also picking up the milk at the store--that's an accomplishment.

Worked a bit, folded a load of laundry. Waited on my boss to call.....still waiting, so that's not really an accomplishement....

That's about it.....
Went to school, got home, worked out for about an hour, took a shower, and now on Off Topix!

Overall, today was a really good day. Only a bit of homework, but nothing I can't handle.
I cheered someone who was down at work up..
Discord said:
Great, just my topic. I did nothing. Unless Xbox Achievements count...

Yes they do. >.>

I unlocked yet another Paramour Achievement on Mass Effect. That better count, because I did not just have blue alien sex for nothing. Mass Effect being a computer game.
*Woke up*

went to school

passed my tests

came home

chilled for an hour

worked out

Now on Off Topix!

Woke up about about an hour ago. We'll see what the day has in store for me. Plan on watching TV, chilling, accomplishing nothing. Kicking-back and relaxing. Do not plan on going anywhere, just staying home and enjoying my time off. Okay, I'll fold the towels!? That is what I'll achieve today. Laundry will be finished.

So tell everyone what did you achieve today, i went swimming and then went on a bike ride.
I'm afraid I didn't really accomplish anything today:dontknow:
I worked 9 hours and argued with someone until it gave me a headache. lol
Learned my lines in this play we're performing on Monday and Tuesday.
Got all my food shopping done.
Got my browser upgraded! = u = Also got a few

other features working on my desktop~
I took all my recycling to the recycling bins in town!

Other than that, nothing yet, it's still early
Not a hell of a lot. But I managed to get some homework completed.
I hung out with my friends for a few hours, re-arranged my room, throwing away half this junk that just cluttered it. I also watched the movie The Box.
Got all of my bills mailed out today.
Made it through the week. Performed play and did good.
Had breakfast; I guess that's an accomplishment.
Emptied the dish washer, and went over to see my grandparents to celebrate their 52 anniversary.
Getting my websites coded almost completely from scratch! New at coding in all it's definitely not finished (Basic formatting in all) Still a good start though.

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